Suggested users
- Car and truck manufacturing factories looking to check fluids before they are put in new vehicles
- Laboratories which analyze fluids from in-service vehicles
- Companies making concentrated urea solutions that will eventually get diluted and sold to use in diesel engines
- Companies buying concentrated urea solutions and diluting them for use in diesel engines
- Users of Adblue / DEF who want to check the quality of their supply.
- Manufactures of automotive coolants looking to check the dilution of glycol solutions
- Users of engine coolants that want to check the quality of their supply.
A28295 Package contents
This package consists of 8 custom scales:
- Propylene glycol concentration and freezing point scale for coolants
- Ethylene glycol concentration and freezing point scale for coolants
- Adblue / DEF Urea scale from 30 – 35% including biuret correction meeting the requirements of ISO22241
- Adblue / DEF Urea scale from 30 – 35% including biuret correction meeting the requirements of ISO22241 for automotive applications
- Adblue / DEF Urea scale from 37% to 43% including biuret correction meeting the requirements of ISO18611 for marine applications
- % Urea scale from 0 – 55% designed for controlling the dilution of urea solutions to make Adblue / DEF
Applicable models
The Automobile options package can be added to the J157HA PLUS, J357 and J457 refractometers. All
functionality of the existing refractometer is retained.
The package adds improved temperature performance to better than 0.02oC, meeting the requirements of DIN 70071 / ISO 22241-2