Happy Holidays!! I hope all is well with you. I just wanted to get back with you about our J157 HT refractometer that we purchased from Rudolph. I want to let you know that everyone here in Cedar Rapids seems to have a favorable opinion of the automatic refractometer. The lab technicians like it for its ease of use, and the lab supervisors (myself included) like it for its reproducibility from one technician to the next. I also like the fact that it is calibrated with traceable standards. I was wondering if you could put together a quote for two (2) more automatic refractometers identical to the one we recently purchased? The piece of equipment we just purchased was with quotation #R10929D, dated 10-23-02. Once receiving your quotation, I will need to submit an AFE to acquire the necessary funds to purchase these two automatic refractometers. I do not know for sure how long the approval for funds will take or if the approval will go through. Once I receive the quote from you, I will submit the AFE and from there will try to keep you updated on the progress of the AFE.
Thanks again,
Quality Control Superintendent
ADM Corn Processing