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Rudolph Research Analytical has supported quality control operations in sugar laboratories for decades. Rudolph’s Saccharimeters are the gold standard for testing optical rotation and evaluating sugar purity in refineries globally. Our saccharimeters are utilized in Tare and QC labs in dozens of countries and dozens of companies around the world.
Rudolph Research is now also your source for Octapol, the most efficient and environmentally friendly clarifier on the market.
Now you have one source for expertise on both sample preparation and analysis for all phases of your sugar refining operations. The experts at Rudolph Research can assist you in every aspect of your sugar testing needs.
In this video, we’ll demonstrate how to properly prepare your samples using Octapol clarifier.
Filtering sugar solutions for the purposes of polarimetric analysis is a process that removes particulates greater than 1 micron when using Whatman 91 filter paper. Clarification is a process that adds a clarification reagent like Octapol that removes both turbidity and color.
Octapol was developed as a safe and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional clarifiers that used lead subacetate. Octapol is composed of eight unique, biodegradable chemicals that efficiently filter unwanted particles and sugar derivatives from your sugar juice. Octapol is appropriate for use with all types of juices, liquors, syrups and molasses samples, and is used globally in both sugar cane and sugar beet refineries. Only a small amount of Octapol, usually no more than 5 to 10 grams, is sufficient to clarify 100 to 200 ml of sample.
Octapol is stable for up to five years in dry conditions prior to activation. Once the activating reagent is added to the Octapol mix, it should be used within 30 days.
To activate Octopol, simply add the separately packaged Activator to the bottle of the base Octopol reagent, and shake vigorously for about 5 minutes. Note that Octopol is a very fine powder, so care should be taken to prevent the dust from becoming aerosolized. After thorough mixing of the activated Octopol, allow the bottle to settle for 5 minutes.
In a 200 ml bottle or flask, add 100 ml of your unclarified juice. Then add roughly 5 grams of activated Octapol to the flask, seal it with a rubber stopper, and vigorously mix the contents for about 20 seconds. The resulting solution should look like this, about the consistency of a milk shake.
Now it’s time to filter your sample. Use a funnel and filter paper to collect the filtrate. The first 10 ml or so of filtrate should be discarded or returned to the bottle for re-filtration. Note that fluted filter paper is preferred, as it provides faster flow rates. If your juice is prone to high turbidity, you may want to use two pieces of fluted filter paper. Note that filtration aids such as diatomaceous earth are not necessary when using Octapol.

If your filtered solution is both cloudy, let the sample stand longer before filtration. An additional filter may also be helpful.
These solution color suggestions are guidelines—your QC laboratory may have different solution specifications and clarity goals. For example, customers using an 880 nm light source may desire darker clarified solutions, since the 880 nm light more efficiently measures dark and turbid samples. You can adjust the basic Octapol use instructions to fit your laboratory’s protocols.
Since all of the components of Octapol are non-toxic, they may be disposed of in the regular trash.
The team at Rudolph Research Analytical stand ready to support your QC lab.
As experts in both sample preparation and analysis, Rudolph Research Analytical is your best source for the continued support of your sugar analysis laboratory.
Rudolph is also on the cutting edge of automation of sugar analysis. We have deployed fully automated sugar testing systems that efficiently measure degrees Z, Brix, pH and color of sugar solutions.
We are happy to discuss our solutions in more detail. Please contact us by email at, by phone at (973) 584-1558, or visit our website at . Thank you!