Understanding how Rudolph helps the Brazilian sugar industry to grow in the worldwide market
Rudolph Research Analytical provides Octapol® sugar clarifier made without toxic products, which do not harm health and the environment.
Image credits: Rudolph Archive/Disclosure
Brazilian sugar is fully able to actively participate in the growing global food market.
This market advances in the UN estimate that the world’s population will grow by 500 million people by 2030 to 8.5 billion. By 2050, it is projected that we will be 9.7 billion inhabitants.
The point is that as the population grows, pressures are also increasing for food to be produced with raw materials that do not harm health and the environment. That is, production needs to meet environmental, social and governance practices in the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) concept.
That’s where Rudolph Research Analytical, an American manufacturer of laboratory instruments for sugar analysis and the Octapol® sugar clarifier with a strong presence in Brasil, comes in, where it distributes analytical equipment to industries such as sugar and energy. Rudolph does business in Brasil thought Rudolph Research Brasil.
Rudolph Research Analytical is strategic for mills to manufacture sugar without environmental and health hazards because it distributes the Octapol® sugar clarifier in Brasil.
But what is Octapol® Sugar Clarifier®?
Octapol® sugar clarifier is a multi-component chemical reagent used in various parts of sugar production, including analyses of sugar borne juices in sugar mill laboratories, syrup, molasses, but primarily raw sugar.
The big difference between this reagent and some similar ones is that others may contain lead subacetate. While lead subacetate can be an excellent clarifier, it is toxic and poses a health risk to technicians who handle and breathe the lead dust. In addition, lead is also known to be harmful to the environment.
“Lead subacetate is carcinogenic and its use is vetoed by law,” says Ulises Mato, Rudolph’s general director in Brazil.

Image credits: Rudolph executives at the stand at Fenasucro: Ulises Mato, general manager, and Murilo Tosatti
Check out more information about Octapol® in an interview with Ulises Mato at Rudolph’s stand in Fenasucro:
Why doesn’t Octapol® harm health and the environment?
Ulises Mato – It is made from the composition of eight clarifying products, none of them toxic, hence the ‘Octa’ of the name for analysis of ‘Pol’ (sucrose content of the broth).
What is the useful life?
Ulises Mato – Our products have durability of up to 5 years and, after open the packaging, have use time of 30 days. Competitors, on the other hand, have a period of 40 days of use after they have been manufactured.
How’s Octapol®’s regulation?
Ulises Mato – It is already approved by the Consecana to do the cane analysis.
What about the price on the competitors?
Ulises Mato – It has a price just above some of the competitors, yet Octapol® only it requires a much smaller volume to be used to clarify the sample. And in this way, we have a superior product, by clarifying the samples well above the competitors. And this is very important in measuring the sugar concentration in the sample.
Ulises Mato – If you have a clarifier that does not adequately clarify the sugar juice, it leaves it with a certain turbidity, and the results emitted by the equipment can generate big error. Thus, for analytical and consequently financial, one can harm either or both the farmer and the sugarcane mill.
How does the use of the product take place?
Ulises Mato – It’s simple. There are already correction formulas in the Consecana manuals for each of the clarifiers. As it is approved, Octapol® also already has a formula in the Consecana for sugarcane payment.
How is Octapol®’s participation in the sugarcane sector?
Ulises Mato – It’s already consolidated. In the country, there are hardly any more clarifying reagents using lead subacetate, but other clarifiers have technical difficulties.
For example, there are those who have very high filtration time and those that, even after clarifying, leave the samples cloudy. As a result, the results give a high error. And there are clarifiers that cannot be clarified to make the reading, even though they are approved.
What are Octapol®‘s growth goals?
Ulises Mato – In the next two years we intend to have between 30 and 40% of the market, because technically it is already the most recognized product in the sugar-energy sector.