A Rudolph Research Analytical apoia operações de controle de qualidade em laboratórios de açúcar há décadas. Os Sacarímetros da Rudolph são padrão-ouro para testar a rotação ótica e avaliar a pureza do açúcar nas Usinas/ Destilarias do mundo. Nossos sacarímetros são utilizados em laboratórios de Pagamento de Cana e Controle de Qualidade em dezenas de […]
Autopol IZ & IIZ Saccharimeters
Sugar Purity testing – Rudolph Research AUTOPOL IZ and IIZ Series of Digital Saccahrimeters Sugar Technologists performing sugar purity testing around the world prefer the features of the the IZ single wavelegth 589 nm saccharimeter and IIZ dual 589 nm and 880 nm wavelegth Saccharimeters from Rudolph Research Analytical. Autopol IZ Saccharimeter – Perfect for […]
Saccharimeter Autopol 880 PLUS & 880T PLUS
Automatic Saccharimeters, Rudolph Research, AUTOPOL 880T & 880 PLUS Series This is Rudolph’s latest and most advanced model. It was developed and tested in conjunction with labs testing pharmaceutical grade sugars. These labs require precise temperature control yet still want flow through cell type operation. For sugar trade labs and contract work that demands the […]
Saccharimeter Testimonial Bryant Sugar
We wish to take this opportunity to express our deep sense of appreciation for your technical assistance over the last twenty years…
Saccharimeter Testimonial Lula-Westfield
From the moment of our preliminary discussion of purchase until the present, you and your staff have been most helpful and courteous in all situations…