Rudolph Research Analytical
Quality • Integrity • Innovation
Rudolph Research Analytical has been a global manufacturer and supplier of precision, automatic, laboratory instruments for over 50 years.
Rudolph Research Analytical is founded on principals of: Integrity, Quality, and Innovation combined with a Global Reach.
Rudolph Research Analytical manufactures automatic, digital, bench-top Density Meters, Refractometers, Polarimeters, Saccharimeters, and Automation solutions for a wide variety of industries. With over 8,000 instruments installed in demanding applications worldwide and thousands still in use that were manufactured in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Rudolph has established itself as a premier vendor well known for its quality, reliability, and compliance. Rudolph has consistently set the pace for innovative design and features that bring new and important functionality to its customers. Rudolph’s dedication to responsive service comes from a deep commitment to treating our customers with integrity, quality and innovation.
The company was founded in 1930 by Otto Curt Rudolph, who imported microscopes, polarimeters, saccharimeters, and other scientific instrumentation manufactured in Europe. Scientific instrument importation was not possible after the outbreak of World War II. Consequently, Mr. Rudolph began to manufacture a standard line of polarimeters, and undertook the custom design and manufacture of instrumentation for universities and laboratories. Since that time, the company has been engaged in research, design, manufacture, sales and service of products utilizing light as a measurement medium.
In 1970, the company changed its name from O.C. Rudolph & Sons, Inc. to Rudolph Research Corporation. The name was changed to reflect the modern and innovative philosophies of the company.
Rudolph Research began expanding its products to include a standard line of automatic ellipsometers, polarimeters and saccharimeters, as well as accessories for those instruments. Various models of these instruments are used in pure and applied research by universities, independent laboratories, government laboratories and industry. In addition, Rudolph Research production ellipsometers find widespread application in the semiconductor/integrated circuit industry where the measurement of film thickness in the angstrom region is important. Automatic polarimeters are used for research and process control in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage, chemical and related industries. Automatic saccharimeters are used routinely by sugar growers, processors, and refineries, as well as by governments to regulate both domestic and international sugar trade.
Current Status
In May of 1996, Rudolph Research, before going Public on the NASDAQ, formed a new independent corporation, Rudolph Research Analytical, which took over responsibility for all aspects of sales, service and the manufacture of the Autopol Line of Automatic Polarimeters, Automatic Saccharimeters, parts and accessories.
In March of 1999 Rudolph introduced the first J Series of Automatic Refractometers. Like all Rudolph products, this new line of instruments is developed and manufactured in the USA.
In March of 2007 Rudolph introduce the DDM 2911 Automatic Density Meter featuring the Patent Pending VideoView™ technology. Rudolph continues to expand and improve its new line of density meters.
In May of 2010, Rudolph received accreditation for Rudolph’s Quartz Control Plate Laboratory. This accreditation testifies to Rudolph’s consistent effort to improve and serve our customers better.
In March of 2013, Rudolph introduced the R837 Automated Sampling System. This system brought many new features to market allowing customers to operate in both pressure and suction mode while offering the small footprint of a carousel combined with the flexibility of custom racks.
In June of 2013, Rudolph received ISO 9001 accreditation for its Quartz Plate Laboratory. This accreditation testifies to Rudolph’s constant effort to improve its manufacturing processes and provide its customers with the most advanced products in the market place.
Rudolph Research Analytical is a privately held C-Corporation conducting worldwide sales, marketing and manufacturing out of its offices located in New Jersey. Rudolph Research Analytical does 70% of its business outside of the United States and has over 8,000 customers worldwide. In order to accommodate Rudolph’s growth and better serve its customers, Rudolph Research Analytical relocated to a 30,000 square foot building in Hackettstown, NJ, USA in May 2005.
All instrument models and accessories are manufactured in the USA.
Rudolph Research Analytical maintains a philosophy of continuous improvement and growth by developing products that are innovative and of high quality while conducting itself with integrity in all aspects of its business. Integrity, Quality and Innovation anchored upon Biblical Principles forms the foundation of the company
For more information about Rudolph Research Analytical see; Trade Shows, Press Releases, Quality.