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Refractometer Temperature Correction Vs Control
Refractometer Temperature Correction & Control Peter Marriott – Refractometer Product Manager Rudolph Research Analytical Also see video: Refractometer, Temperature Correction & Control with a Rudolph J457 We are going to look at the effects of changing temperature on refractive index measurement and if Temperature Correction can compensate for temperature variances or if actual temperature control […]
Digital Refractometers – Universal Concentration Meters
Digital Refractometers – Universal Concentration Meters By Angelo DePalma, Ph.D – Partial Reprint – Originally Published April 6th, 2011, for original see Lab Manager; – Refractometers are instruments that quantify and identify chemicals and materials based on their refractive index (RI). A unique property related to the speed of light as it passes through a substance, RI (Refractive Index) […]
Refractometer Testimonial PLC (NZ) LTD
The refractometer is easy to use and easy to clean. We are looking forward to many years of trouble free operation.
Refractometer Testimonial ADM Corn
The lab technicians like it for its ease of use, and the lab supervisors (myself included) like it for its reproducibility from one technician to the next…